Today we live in what some futurists have coined a VUCA world. A world that is volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. Responding effectively in this world requires that decisions be made closer to the frontline activity of organizations. How can this happen without creating chaos throughout organizations? The answer is to have employees at every level able to think strategically about how to respond to conditions on the ground and in real time. This does not mean expanding strategic planning departments. It means developing more employees and especially front-line managers who can think strategically.
— Educator and diversity scholar, David A. Thomas in The Thinking Strategist
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Show Your competence!

Raise your hand.

Education and training enhance an individual’s ability to lead a successful professional life. Business leaders say that while college graduates may have adequate technical skills, too many graduates lack the ability to write clearly, speak persuasively, think critically, work independently, work collaboratively with a diverse group, and show initiative. All are skills that will be in greater demand in the coming years.

Demonstrate you have these critical skills and more. Become known as someone who does more than is expected.

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We’re In this together

We are team players, problem solvers, and contributors.

Imagine spending your entire education experience under enormous pressure to earn good grades. While getting straight A’s is a difficult and impressive feat, if your grades do not reflect your ability to handle the many facets of success, including overcoming failure and embracing conflict in order to solve problems, your experience has likely not prepared you for business success.

Look at your classroom experience through a different lens. It’s not about the grade; it’s the experience that counts. Challenging experiences provide the content for interviews and other selection efforts. Make mistakes early; shine better later.